Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Congraduations are in order?

Well we had a graduation again...high school this time. My younger son-by-choice (stepchild) graduated from high school this week. I want to say good work and congratulations are in order. Let me tell you it was an iteresting week. Thursday morning I hurt my back (muscle spasm, just have to ice and wait it out) and Thursday night we had a progressive dinner for the graduates starting at the church for appetizers, my home for salad, on to another family for lasagna, and back to the church for cake and coffee. I had to bail before lasagna. But it was all good. The ceremnony was Saturday, part of the wonderful 3 day weekend. Let me tell you, if you have ever heard the Stevie Ray Vaughn song, Texas flood, well it was written about weekends like this. It rained in bursts like buckets off and on all weekend. When we got to the Merrill Center it was coming down buckets and they made us park as far as they could away from the center. We got soaked to the bone. I mean soaked, and the a/c was running high in there. My wife wanted to be there early so we wound up sitting wet and cold for an hour before the ceremony. After Nate walked part of us split and got the BBQ we ordered for his post graduate meal. Off he went to project grad that night, an all night affair where they had a number of prizes, swag bags and such. He wound up with an Ipod shuffle, 100 bucks in cash and lots of gift cards. Shoot he did better than I did on my last birthday! Go kiddo!

Maybe I shoudl graduate from something.

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