Saturday, September 20, 2008

Some things they don't tell you to prepare for in a hurricane

  • Grind your coffee beans before the power goes out
  • Find something to do while you are waiting for the storm
  • get something to keep everyone occupied after the power is out
  • Everyone eats the boiled eggs first, boil more
  • The more stuff in your fridge/freezer the longer it stays cold
  • The more stuff in your fridge/freezer the more you may have to cook, eat or pitch
  • Cat food and cat litter, you don't have enough, trust me
  • Wash all the towels first, and everything else. Really you don't know how long until you can wash again
  • LED flashlight bulbs last longer. weirder light, but longer.
  • Sleep while you can, you may not get too for a while
  • Get to know your neighbors before the power is out
  • Trim branches before the storm is close
  • Grind the coffee before the power is out. Starbucks didn't open soon enough.


Kris said...

hey guy...who knew you had a blog. a lot of us grace and convergence folks blog.

kathy r
laz p
kim p
christine b

and you, who knew



Kris said...

oh yea

i forgot

jeremy p
and julie p

they are all on my blog roll
